PUSHES REPORT: 13.0.8 ==================================================================================================== This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work. Report generated: Fri Jan 03 16:39:22 CET 2025 Distribution by priority: 1: P1 12: P2 44: P3 18: P4 1: P5 Distribution by components: 76: 20 (26.3%): hotspot 11 (14.5%): hotspot/compiler 6 (7.9%): hotspot/runtime 1 (1.3%): hotspot/svc-agent 1 (1.3%): hotspot/jfr 1 (1.3%): hotspot/gc 18 (23.7%): client-libs 7 (9.2%): client-libs/2d 5 (6.6%): client-libs 3 (3.9%): client-libs/java.awt 2 (2.6%): client-libs/javax.swing 1 (1.3%): client-libs/javax.accessibility 16 (21.1%): security-libs 8 (10.5%): security-libs/java.security 3 (3.9%): security-libs/javax.net.ssl 2 (2.6%): security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 1 (1.3%): security-libs/javax.smartcardio 1 (1.3%): security-libs/javax.crypto 1 (1.3%): security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5 10 (13.2%): core-libs 5 (6.6%): core-libs/java.util:i18n 3 (3.9%): core-libs/java.nio 1 (1.3%): core-libs/java.net 1 (1.3%): core-libs/java.util.logging 5 (6.6%): infrastructure 3 (3.9%): infrastructure 2 (2.6%): infrastructure/build 4 (5.3%): tools 2 (2.6%): tools 1 (1.3%): tools/javadoc(tool) 1 (1.3%): tools/jlink 3 (3.9%): xml 3 (3.9%): xml/jaxp Distribution by affiliation: 76: 61 (80.3%): Azul 27 (35.5%): Yuri Nesterenko 14 (18.4%): Olga Mikhaltcova 8 (10.5%): Dmitry Cherepanov 7 (9.2%): Sergey Nazarkin 2 (2.6%): Ilarion Nakonechnyy 1 (1.3%): Alexey Bakhtin 1 (1.3%): Anton Kozlov 1 (1.3%): Ekaterina Vergizova 14 (18.4%): Syntacore 14 (18.4%): Vladimir Kempik 1 (1.3%): Amazon 1 (1.3%): David Alvarez Chronological push log: 2021/06/17 11:30, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8268959: Remove Telia Company CA certificate expiring in April 2021 2021/06/17 11:13, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8268958: Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore 2021/06/17 10:42, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8268957: VerifyCACerts.java fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days 2021/06/17 10:20, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8268956: Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate 2021/06/17 10:20, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8268955: Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs 2021/05/26 10:16, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8267772: Update Commons BCEL to Version 6.4.1 2021/05/21 15:01, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8267538: [TESTBUG] compiler/vectorization/TestVectorsNotSavedAtSafepoint.java failed OutOfMemoryError 2021/05/21 14:05, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8267537: [macos_aarch64] InterpreterRuntime::throw_pending_exception messing up LR results in crash 2021/05/20 13:55, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267479: jdeps --check produces NPE if there is any missing module dependence 2021/05/20 13:08, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267477: jdeps ignores multi-release when generate-module-info used on command line 2021/05/20 12:15, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267471: Infinite loop in RSA KeyPairGenerator 2021/05/20 10:38, Ekaterina Vergizova, Azul, JDK-8267458: JFR: Could not create chunk in repository with over 200 recordings 2021/05/20 10:26, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267456: AccessDeniedException caused by delayed file deletion on Windows 2021/05/20 09:47, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8267450: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files 2021/05/19 13:42, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8267401: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4 2021/05/19 12:51, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267398: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-09-29 2021/05/19 12:13, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267393: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-04-01 2021/05/19 11:30, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267390: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-03-16 2021/05/19 07:35, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267367: Native crash in Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames() 2021/05/19 07:22, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267363: Cleanup the code for PrinterJob on windows 2021/05/17 12:42, Ilarion Nakonechnyy, Azul, JDK-8267250: (fs) Files.newInputStream(...).skip(n) should allow skipping beyond file size 2021/05/17 08:57, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8267231: Vector register used by C2 compiled method corrupted at safepoint 2021/05/14 13:18, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8267159: Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to1.8.26 2021/05/14 10:45, Ilarion Nakonechnyy, Azul, JDK-8267158: (fs) Files.newInputStream(...).skip(n) is slow 2021/05/13 11:21, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8267097: HotSpot build failed with GCC 9.2.1 2021/05/13 08:51, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8267092: Need to eliminate excessive i2l conversions 2021/05/12 08:01, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8266960: UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed 2021/05/12 06:56, Alexey Bakhtin, Azul, JDK-8266956: NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.HKDF.extract(HKDF.java:93) 2021/05/11 08:42, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8266893: AArch64: one potential bug in C1 LIRGenerator::generate_address() 2021/05/11 07:27, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8266886: assert(outer->outcnt() == 2) failed: 'only phis' failure in LoopNode::verify_strip_mined() 2021/05/07 12:07, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8266741: 2020-04-24 public suffix list update v ff6fcea 2021/05/06 16:44, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8266655: Default signature algorithm for an RSASSA-PSS key 2021/05/06 16:42, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8266654: ARM32: Math tests failures 2021/05/06 10:45, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8266628: Upgrade to jQuery 3.5.1 2021/05/05 07:29, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8266544: [Regression] Switch of Gnome theme ends up in deadlocked UI 2021/05/04 10:18, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8266488: [macOS] All Swing/AWT apps cause Allow Notifications prompt to appear when app is launched 2021/05/04 10:08, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8266487: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.12 2021/05/04 10:00, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8266486: DirectIOTest fails on a system with large block size 2021/04/30 14:05, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8266374: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/SecureProcessingTest.java runs zero test 2021/04/30 14:05, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8266373: Remove jdk8037819/BasicTest1.java 2021/04/29 08:47, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8266289: Memory leak in imageFile.cpp 2021/04/27 14:33, Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul, JDK-8266058: Upgrade to FreeType 2.10.4 2021/04/27 09:00, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8266035: Fix product build on Windows+Arm64 2021/04/26 07:27, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8265947: PhaseStringOpts crashes while optimising effectively dead code 2021/04/23 14:54, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265837: Update version .jcheck/conf in jdk13u to be 13.0.8 2021/04/22 09:18, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265734: UIManager.getSytemLookAndFeelClassName() returns wrong value on Fedora 32 2021/04/22 09:13, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265732: TimeZone getOffset API does not return a DST offset between years 2038-2137 2021/04/22 09:13, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265731: DST starts from incorrect time in 2038 2021/04/22 08:59, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265730: Update docs on building for Git 2021/04/21 11:07, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8265660: AArch64: runtime/ReservedStack/ReservedStackTestCompiler.java fails 2021/04/21 09:50, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8265644: Bad JNI lookup getFocusOwner in accessibility code on macOS 2021/04/16 10:54, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8265336: [macOS] Incorrect JNI parameters in number conversion in A11Y code 2021/04/16 08:29, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8265331: SIGSEGV in string_indexof_char and stringL_indexof_char intrinsics 2021/04/16 06:58, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8265329: [macOS] Bad JNI lookup error : Accessible actions do not work on macOS 2021/04/15 13:59, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8265283: The static build of libextnet is missing the JNI_OnLoad_extnet function 2021/04/15 13:30, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8265281: Bad JNI lookup during printing 2021/04/09 14:39, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8264994: enhance list of environment variables printed in hs_err file 2021/04/09 12:30, Anton Kozlov, Azul, JDK-8264640: CMS ParScanClosure misses a barrier 2021/04/08 13:10, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264927: Remove JNF dependency from libsaproc/MacosxDebuggerLocal.m 2021/04/08 12:46, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264920: Removing remaining JNF dependencies in the java.desktop module 2021/04/08 12:21, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264911: [macOS] Remove desktop module dependencies on JNF Reference APIs 2021/04/08 12:06, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264910: [macOS] Replace JNF_COCOA_ENTER/EXIT macros 2021/04/08 11:42, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264909: [macOS] Update JNI error handling in Cocoa code. 2021/04/08 08:10, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264894: Remove dependencies on JNF's JNI utility functions in AWT and 2D code 2021/04/07 12:44, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264839: Cleanup whitespace in .cc, .hh, .m, and .mm files 2021/04/07 12:22, Sergey Nazarkin, Azul, JDK-8264837: Restore HandleArea used in Deoptimization::uncommon_trap 2021/04/07 12:15, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264831: [macOS]: Remove JNF dependency from libosxkrb5/SCDynamicStoreConfig.m 2021/04/07 12:15, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264830: [macOS]: Remove JNF dependency from libosxsecurity/KeystoreImpl.m 2021/04/06 08:29, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264754: libTestMainKeyWindow fails to build with Xcode 12.2 2021/04/02 16:18, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8264654: C2 crashes with SIGFPE due to division by zero 2021/04/02 16:14, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8264653: JDK-8202343 is incomplete 2021/04/01 09:56, David Alvarez, Amazon, JDK-8264585: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 2021/03/30 11:58, Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore, JDK-8264426: try catch Method failing to work when dividing an integer by 0 2021/03/26 10:51, Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul, JDK-8264263: Potential double-free in ParallelSPCleanupTask constructor 2021/03/24 14:06, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8264107: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-13.0.8 2021/03/24 13:57, Yuri Nesterenko, Azul, JDK-8264108: Update version .jcheck/conf in jdk13u-dev to be 13.0.8 No changesets log: Committer push log: Ilarion Nakonechnyy, Azul: JDK-8267158: (fs) Files.newInputStream(...).skip(n) is slow JDK-8267250: (fs) Files.newInputStream(...).skip(n) should allow skipping beyond file size Alexey Bakhtin, Azul: JDK-8266956: NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.HKDF.extract(HKDF.java:93) Anton Kozlov, Azul: JDK-8264640: CMS ParScanClosure misses a barrier David Alvarez, Amazon: JDK-8264585: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul: JDK-8266741: 2020-04-24 public suffix list update v ff6fcea JDK-8267401: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4 JDK-8267772: Update Commons BCEL to Version 6.4.1 JDK-8267159: Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to1.8.26 JDK-8267450: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files JDK-8266058: Upgrade to FreeType 2.10.4 JDK-8266628: Upgrade to jQuery 3.5.1 JDK-8266487: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.12 Ekaterina Vergizova, Azul: JDK-8267458: JFR: Could not create chunk in repository with over 200 recordings Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul: JDK-8265329: [macOS] Bad JNI lookup error : Accessible actions do not work on macOS JDK-8265336: [macOS] Incorrect JNI parameters in number conversion in A11Y code JDK-8267538: [TESTBUG] compiler/vectorization/TestVectorsNotSavedAtSafepoint.java failed OutOfMemoryError JDK-8266886: assert(outer->outcnt() == 2) failed: 'only phis' failure in LoopNode::verify_strip_mined() JDK-8265281: Bad JNI lookup during printing JDK-8265644: Bad JNI lookup getFocusOwner in accessibility code on macOS JDK-8264654: C2 crashes with SIGFPE due to division by zero JDK-8266655: Default signature algorithm for an RSASSA-PSS key JDK-8264994: enhance list of environment variables printed in hs_err file JDK-8266374: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/SecureProcessingTest.java runs zero test JDK-8265947: PhaseStringOpts crashes while optimising effectively dead code JDK-8264263: Potential double-free in ParallelSPCleanupTask constructor JDK-8266373: Remove jdk8037819/BasicTest1.java JDK-8267231: Vector register used by C2 compiled method corrupted at safepoint Sergey Nazarkin, Azul: JDK-8266893: AArch64: one potential bug in C1 LIRGenerator::generate_address() JDK-8265660: AArch64: runtime/ReservedStack/ReservedStackTestCompiler.java fails JDK-8266654: ARM32: Math tests failures JDK-8266486: DirectIOTest fails on a system with large block size JDK-8267092: Need to eliminate excessive i2l conversions JDK-8264837: Restore HandleArea used in Deoptimization::uncommon_trap JDK-8265331: SIGSEGV in string_indexof_char and stringL_indexof_char intrinsics Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore: JDK-8266488: [macOS] All Swing/AWT apps cause Allow Notifications prompt to appear when app is launched JDK-8264911: [macOS] Remove desktop module dependencies on JNF Reference APIs JDK-8264910: [macOS] Replace JNF_COCOA_ENTER/EXIT macros JDK-8264909: [macOS] Update JNI error handling in Cocoa code. JDK-8264831: [macOS]: Remove JNF dependency from libosxkrb5/SCDynamicStoreConfig.m JDK-8264830: [macOS]: Remove JNF dependency from libosxsecurity/KeystoreImpl.m JDK-8267537: [macos_aarch64] InterpreterRuntime::throw_pending_exception messing up LR results in crash JDK-8264839: Cleanup whitespace in .cc, .hh, .m, and .mm files JDK-8266035: Fix product build on Windows+Arm64 JDK-8264754: libTestMainKeyWindow fails to build with Xcode 12.2 JDK-8264894: Remove dependencies on JNF's JNI utility functions in AWT and 2D code JDK-8264927: Remove JNF dependency from libsaproc/MacosxDebuggerLocal.m JDK-8264920: Removing remaining JNF dependencies in the java.desktop module JDK-8264426: try catch Method failing to work when dividing an integer by 0 Yuri Nesterenko, Azul: JDK-8266544: [Regression] Switch of Gnome theme ends up in deadlocked UI JDK-8267456: AccessDeniedException caused by delayed file deletion on Windows JDK-8268958: Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore JDK-8268956: Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate JDK-8268955: Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs JDK-8264107: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-13.0.8 JDK-8267363: Cleanup the code for PrinterJob on windows JDK-8265731: DST starts from incorrect time in 2038 JDK-8267097: HotSpot build failed with GCC 9.2.1 JDK-8267471: Infinite loop in RSA KeyPairGenerator JDK-8267479: jdeps --check produces NPE if there is any missing module dependence JDK-8267477: jdeps ignores multi-release when generate-module-info used on command line JDK-8264653: JDK-8202343 is incomplete JDK-8266289: Memory leak in imageFile.cpp JDK-8267367: Native crash in Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames() JDK-8268959: Remove Telia Company CA certificate expiring in April 2021 JDK-8265283: The static build of libextnet is missing the JNI_OnLoad_extnet function JDK-8265732: TimeZone getOffset API does not return a DST offset between years 2038-2137 JDK-8266960: UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed JDK-8265734: UIManager.getSytemLookAndFeelClassName() returns wrong value on Fedora 32 JDK-8265730: Update docs on building for Git JDK-8267390: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-03-16 JDK-8267393: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-04-01 JDK-8267398: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2020-09-29 JDK-8264108: Update version .jcheck/conf in jdk13u-dev to be 13.0.8 JDK-8268957: VerifyCACerts.java fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days Yuri Nesterenko, Azul: JDK-8265837: Update version .jcheck/conf in jdk13u to be 13.0.8